NEC 210.52(C)(5) Peninsular Receptacle location and exemptions?

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Professional Architectural Engineer
St. Louis, MO
Professional Architectural Engineer
Greetings fellow engineers and contractors,
I am trying to figure out if the following scenario would require a peninsular receptacle or not (See attached PDFs). I have a counter top peninsular that has a long dimension greater than 24 inches and a short dimension greater than 12 inches. I wanted to install a receptacle at the end of the peninsula, but the end space is mostly made up of the dishwasher so there is no end wall for me to install a receptacle. There is a 5" stud wall at the end, but I obviously can't install a receptacle into a 5" stud. In this scenario, is the architect supposed to provide me with a wall around the side of the dishwasher or am I exempt from putting a receptacle here?

Two more bits of information: The counter top is flat and has an overhang of 10 inches on the chair side.

Also, we are following the 2014 NEC

Let me know your guys thoughts?


  • Peninsula Recept Section1.pdf
    34.4 KB · Views: 29
  • Peninsula Recept2.pdf
    111.6 KB · Views: 17
I say you can put a receptacle there. It's not that difficult to cut a hole for a box through a 2x with a multi-tool.

Another option, however less attractive, would be a Wiremold-type surface-mounted box and receptacle.
You can also use a sillite receptacle. There is usually a space at the back of the dishwasher so you can install these at the back on the side panel


it could accept 2- 12/2 nm cables. It is tight but I have done it. We set them up where only one 12/2 nm is needed. Much easier to work with

This made me curious because my daughter’s house has the same setup. I looked at her installation today. The end panel next to the dishwasher has a 1” wide stile on the front. That leaves enough room for 1-1/2” deep device box.
Your drawing looks like the end panel has no stile. Makes me wonder what the panel construction is??
Thanks for your responses guys.
As for the end piece, I am unsure of the construction? I was assuming that the end piece would be the 2x5 with a 1" stile like "retirede" was saying. I am an engineer so it's easy to draw these types of situations, but knowing how to install it is a whole other ball game. I'm trying to make installation as easy as possible for my contractors.
I suggest pulling out the dishwasher to have a look, and measure the depth difference between the dishwasher and the space while you're in there; you might have room.
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