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Log # 22086- 13 - (310-4, FPN-(New)): Reject~: Steve Schaffer, Waterbury, CTRECOHHENDATION: Add the following (FPN) to Section310-4 to readFPN): The use of conductors in parallel will makeit necessary to review the conductor short-circuitwithstand rating, especially for the situation wh~reonly one of the cables is involved in the shortcircuit. See Sections 110-10, 240-1, and also ICEAPublication P-32-382 for conductor short-circuitwithstand information.SUBSTANTIATION: When a short circuit occurs on asingle cable of a multiple'run per phase system, thewithstand rating of just that one cable should bereviewed as it is likely that the withstand rating ofjust one cable could be exceeded while the withstandrating of the several cable~ run in parallel may havebeen sufficient.PANEL ACTION: Reject.PANEL COMMENT: When the conductors are in parallel,the short-clrcult current is never only on one slngleconductor.VOTE ON PANEL ACTION: • Unanimously Affirmative.
5(B) used to be 310-4
6- 3 - (310-4): RejectSUBMITTER: Chester Flanagan, San Diego, CARE~MMENDATION: Amend the second line in the firstsentence only as indicated:• . . and larger, comprising each phase or neutral,"and equipment grounding conductor, where wire is used,shall" . . .SUBSTANTIATION: The wording used in the secondsentence does not clearly express the intendedmeaning/idea. This has given rise to a multitude of) wiring-errors; (2) conflicting Code interpretations.Paralleled conductor length requirements areapplicable to equipment grounding conductors (whereparalleled wires are used).It should be noted that the added explanatory "FinePrint Note" may not solve the problem; because: (1)FPNs are relatively new and are not widely used orunderstood; and (2) the "fine" print is hard to read.Based on the above, this proposal should be approvedfor the safety of life and property.PAEE AL_A_C!IO L N : Reject.PANEL COMMENT: Requirements for equipment groundingconductors are already contained in Section 310-4.VOTE ON PANEL ACTION: Unanimously Affirmative.
Log # 22086- 13 - (310-4, FPN-(New)): Reject~: Steve Schaffer, Waterbury, CTRECOHHENDATION: Add the following (FPN) to Section310-4 to readFPN): The use of conductors in parallel will makeit necessary to review the conductor short-circuitwithstand rating, especially for the situation wh~reonly one of the cables is involved in the shortcircuit. See Sections 110-10, 240-1, and also ICEAPublication P-32-382 for conductor short-circuitwithstand information.SUBSTANTIATION: When a short circuit occurs on asingle cable of a multiple'run per phase system, thewithstand rating of just that one cable should bereviewed as it is likely that the withstand rating ofjust one cable could be exceeded while the withstandrating of the several cable~ run in parallel may havebeen sufficient.PANEL ACTION: Reject.PANEL COMMENT: When the conductors are in parallel,the short-clrcult current is never only on one slngleconductor.VOTE ON PANEL ACTION: • Unanimously Affirmative.
5(B) used to be 310-4
6- 3 - (310-4): RejectSUBMITTER: Chester Flanagan, San Diego, CARE~MMENDATION: Amend the second line in the firstsentence only as indicated:• . . and larger, comprising each phase or neutral,"and equipment grounding conductor, where wire is used,shall" . . .SUBSTANTIATION: The wording used in the secondsentence does not clearly express the intendedmeaning/idea. This has given rise to a multitude of) wiring-errors; (2) conflicting Code interpretations.Paralleled conductor length requirements areapplicable to equipment grounding conductors (whereparalleled wires are used).It should be noted that the added explanatory "FinePrint Note" may not solve the problem; because: (1)FPNs are relatively new and are not widely used orunderstood; and (2) the "fine" print is hard to read.Based on the above, this proposal should be approvedfor the safety of life and property.PAEE AL_A_C!IO L N : Reject.PANEL COMMENT: Requirements for equipment groundingconductors are already contained in Section 310-4.VOTE ON PANEL ACTION: Unanimously Affirmative.
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