Where do you do most of your work?
I live just south of Hanover Pa. in Maryland
frederick county
montgomery county
washington county
Where do you do most of your work?
I live just south of Hanover Pa. in Maryland
frederick county
montgomery county
washington county
You do residential or commercial?
I inspect commercial.
I would like to take 2008 nec exam. I'm just curious as to where I go from here I mean I would like a leg up on other "electricians" but being in PA not sure what I can do. Will PA recognize my hopefully passing of the exam?
It is true there is not a state wide license available in PA; however, many cities and counties DO have licensing by exam. I have a Master Electrician license for Allentown, PA which I aquired by exam. Other cities I know have exams for license are Reading, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh to name a few.
It all depends on where you plan on working.![]()
Yes .. many cities are requiring an exam to get a licence .. but many are reciprocal with each other. Most will honor a NJ State licence
Allentown will not honor a NJ licence .. I found this out over the summer when we went to do a job there. They used to but not anymore for some reason ??
It is true there is not a state wide license available in PA; however, many cities and counties DO have licensing by exam. I have a Master Electrician license for Allentown, PA which I aquired by exam. Other cities I know have exams for license are Reading, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh to name a few.
It all depends on where you plan on working.![]()
what did you ? did you take exam?
So each of these areas have there own exam that they administer? If I were to pass the test for lets say Harrisburg area would Allentown accept this as qualification? I strongly feel PA should adopt a statewide liscencing and administer one test that is accepted statewide this would avoid alot of confusion.
So each of these areas have there own exam that they administer? If I were to pass the test for lets say Harrisburg area would Allentown accept this as qualification? I strongly feel PA should adopt a statewide liscencing and administer one test that is accepted statewide this would avoid alot of confusion.