NEC Exam In PA

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I would like to take 2008 nec exam. I'm just curious as to where I go from here I mean I would like a leg up on other "electricians" but being in PA not sure what I can do. Will PA recognize my hopefully passing of the exam?

It is true there is not a state wide license available in PA; however, many cities and counties DO have licensing by exam. I have a Master Electrician license for Allentown, PA which I aquired by exam. Other cities I know have exams for license are Reading, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh to name a few.
It all depends on where you plan on working.:cool:
It is true there is not a state wide license available in PA; however, many cities and counties DO have licensing by exam. I have a Master Electrician license for Allentown, PA which I aquired by exam. Other cities I know have exams for license are Reading, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh to name a few.
It all depends on where you plan on working.:cool:

Yes .. many cities are requiring an exam to get a licence .. but many are reciprocal with each other. Most will honor a NJ State licence

Allentown will not honor a NJ licence .. I found this out over the summer when we went to do a job there. They used to but not anymore for some reason ??
Yes .. many cities are requiring an exam to get a licence .. but many are reciprocal with each other. Most will honor a NJ State licence

Allentown will not honor a NJ licence .. I found this out over the summer when we went to do a job there. They used to but not anymore for some reason ??

what did you ? did you take exam?
It is true there is not a state wide license available in PA; however, many cities and counties DO have licensing by exam. I have a Master Electrician license for Allentown, PA which I aquired by exam. Other cities I know have exams for license are Reading, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh to name a few.
It all depends on where you plan on working.:cool:

So each of these areas have there own exam that they administer? If I were to pass the test for lets say Harrisburg area would Allentown accept this as qualification? I strongly feel PA should adopt a statewide liscencing and administer one test that is accepted statewide this would avoid alot of confusion.
So each of these areas have there own exam that they administer? If I were to pass the test for lets say Harrisburg area would Allentown accept this as qualification? I strongly feel PA should adopt a statewide liscencing and administer one test that is accepted statewide this would avoid alot of confusion.

Allentown would .. but some towns would not
I lived in PA and I was pissed when I wen to MD. I had experience under a commercial contractor. I moved to MD and it didn't count for squat. I knew I could pass the masters test but I was not even allowed to take it. SO I had to wait it out. I wonder how companies go legit after moving from PA.
So each of these areas have there own exam that they administer? If I were to pass the test for lets say Harrisburg area would Allentown accept this as qualification? I strongly feel PA should adopt a statewide liscencing and administer one test that is accepted statewide this would avoid alot of confusion.

It is up to the Electrical Board of the city which you are applying to determine if they will reciprocate. In general the smaller cities will reciprocate with a license from a larger city, but that is not set in stone.
One thing is for sure, if you wanted to be licensed throughout the whole state it would be VERY expensive! In that respect I agree with the thought of having a state wide license. :cool:
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