NEC --Section numbers change, WHY?

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Senior Member
Pennsville, N.J.
I know that their must be a good reason why our Code panels must change the Section numbers from time to time, but I must say they are really upsetting my memory bank.
We as electricans and instructors work and study hard the NEC, and lo and behold, along comes the 2005 code and what I had down pat has all been changed. This really makes it difficult for the electician and the instructor who could recite from memory code Sections. I always admired some of the old timers who could do this.So, please will some one explain to this old instructor, why we must change the Section numbers.


Senior Member
Re: NEC --Section numbers change, WHY?

Charlie's flip answer is exactly the reason. The XXX.1 in all articles is reserved for the scope statement. The XXX.2 is generally reserved for definitions that occur in that article. The XXX.3 is generally reserved for pointing to other articles.

Articles have been rearranged to allow them to make more sense like 250 in the 1999 cycle and 220 in the 2005 cycle. These changes are a pain in the *** for those of us who remember some of the locations. However, it becomes easier for the apprentice to learn and easier for old timers of the future to find something.

Look what was done to the cable and raceway articles. If you want to know something and look it up in one article, it matches in all the other articles.

This is the outcome of the usability task force and, in my opinion, it is great. :D
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