The vertical clearance above the roof level shall be maintained for a distance not less than 900 mm (3 ft) in all directions from the edge of the roof.
The wording on this throws me off also.
The whole point of the rule is to keep the conductors a certain height above the roof once the conductors penetrate the vertical boundary of the edge of the roof.
Wouldn't that all depend on which way you're looking at it from?
If you're standing on the roof in the middle of the house, and, start checking the height of the overhead conductors with a 3 foot stick anywhere on the roof heading towards the roofs edge from the middle, and, at no point heading towards the edge of the roof within 3 feet of the edge of the roof is below the height of your 3' stick, I would say your clearance is good.
In that same scenario, If your overhead conductors drop below the 3' height of your stick, and you're not yet to the 3' mark from the edge of the roof, then you're in violation because the conductors are getting too close to the roof.
On the other hand, If I'm on my ladder leaned up against the edge of the roof, and my overhead conductors are lower than my 3' stick at say 2 ft 6" say from the edge of the roof in, am I in violation? I think not, yet the rule says that the vertical distance must be maintained "not less than 3' in all directions from the edge of the roof"
The wording seems somewhat confusing.