Need an idea for a cool lab project

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Throw in a circuit breaker to prove it will not save the weenie, then switch to a GFCI to show how it will. A pickle works pretty good too. Watched a U-tube video using a pickle. I would suggest going out to eat after using the pickle.
Actually, if you are only connecting the hot and neutral to the hot dog, and it is not touching any conductive grounded surface or object, the GFCI will not open the circuit.
Actually, if you are only connecting the hot and neutral to the hot dog, and it is not touching any conductive grounded surface or object, the GFCI will not open the circuit.

I was only trying to supply a general idea for a lab. And I do not mean a labrador !! :roll:

Yes, the tin foil ( sunny side up ;)) would best be connected to an EGC. It may be more educational to see it fail. We learn best when things do not work as expected & we have to figure out why. At least I do. I also believe that experiments should be repeatable, they should all fail in the same way.:D

They could swap the wires into every possible combination to observe the result.
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My favorite was in the summer of 84 I created a board project to show the effect on an open neutral in a multiwire system with a load on it (6 -100wlamps in porcelains.)I designed switching schemes to show what happens when 1 is on a and 5 are on b and the neutral is lost then 3 on a and 3 on b ect.............ect............ It hurts my brain to think back this far. I substantiated the board project with a handout of the theory behind it ... It was a huge hit.
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