need for fire rated ceiling box??

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I have a condo on a middle floor in a 4 story building in a town next to Boston, MA, and am considering remodeling my kitchen. I would like to install 4 ceiling recessed lights, but am told they will need to be in fire rated enclosures, which are very expensive. The contractor could open the ceiling, and make 4 fire rated boxes out of sheetrock, into which his electrician could put a regular 4? inexpensive (home depot) 4? ceiling can. However, the construction of the fire rated box, and sheetrock repair on the ceiling starts to add a lot of cost. I was planning to have the electrician use Halo 4? non-IC remodel cans, which just need drilling 4? diameter holes (there is no insulation in the ceiling), and are very nice (have seen them in other homes, and they look fine)

I am confused as to why the need for the fire rated box/housing. Yes, the kitchen as it now exists has a fire rated ceiling. However, it has a large ?pass through? opening into the dining area, and an open doorway into the living room/dining room. Those Living/dining room ceilings and in the other rooms of the rest of the condo are single layer sheetrock with plaster skim coat, and are therefore not fire rated. So, what is the point of requiring an expensive fire rated box in the kitchen if any fire in the kitchen will immediately find its way into the living/dining room and ?break through? the ceiling there? All units in the condo are built the same way.

Can anyone explain, and maybe tell me if there is a way to use the Halo remodel cans and thus not have to spend a lot of money on fire rated boxes?
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