Polarity isn't marked so hard to tell which diagrams are buck and which are boost.
Hey hows it going, just wanted to thank you for pointing me to that PDF
to verify that, that was a boost configuration.
And I wanted to come back and clear something up about using the numbers to know if
the windings are additive or subtractive.
As you know I retired from the electrical after 40 yrs. In that time I did hook a lot
of transformers up and a lot where buck boost. And through the years I did learn
that you could go by the numbers H1 - H4 and X1 - X4 and know if they where going to result
as additive or subtractive just by the way they are connected. I did not learn this in trade school
I learned this from experience.
Did you notice in the first diagram of the ops. that number D-D is the only diagram
that uses the bucking effect to reduce the voltage?
All the rest use the tap to reduce the voltage by reducing the number of turns.
All the other diagrams the winding are all connected in the additive configuration.
But I did do some searching on the subject and found this
Which explains it in detail.