Need help with pricing

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Jljohnson said:
Please tell me you were kidding. If not, you just made every estimator in the world S-list. People try this on me constantly. I WILL NEVER give an over the phone ballpark guesstimate, etc, whatever you want to call it. If I can't look at a set of drawings or do a site visit, forget it, you get the T&M treatment.

Now, as far as the OP goes, sounds like you have a pretty good idea what material is need. Assemble your material costs, plus labor costs, add a reasonable mark-up, permit fees, overhead, appropriate taxes, total it up and you will have your quote.
actually...NO. I am not joking. most of the estimators I have talked to have never even worked the field. CRAZY I tell you. I have done it and it works.
Dnkldorf said:
Ask inspectors, they will tell you what other guys are charging.
Ask supply houses, they also know.
Permits have prices on them, and may be freedom of information.

Read different sites, some like to "brag", about how much they "take" people for.

For $59, you can pretty much set them up. Get 3 or 4 to come out with their books and tap thier heads. For under $250 bucks invested, you can get thier prices on various things. And listen to thier sales pitches.

Knowing your competitors prices, and techniques can be valuable, and the money invested can be made back on one job.
So very true. Inspectors can be hard pressed for info at times however and the guys who brag about it eventually lose bussiness to those of use who take good care of our customers. Word of mouth can be bad bad or good business so try to make them happy. the nieghbors may be the next to call
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