Neutral issues

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The power companies (as you know) often get picky about the number of pipes in a duct-bank. Theres probably only one set of feeders in one pipe, the other two are there as back-ups. That's my guess, based on experience. I haven't been too anxious to open up a live 1200 amp service disconnect when I don't have too.

Hello jwnagy, just a couple of questions. In the first post you wrote
I shut down the main breaker outside and all of the branch circuit breakers inside and checked continuity between ground and neutral in the sub-panel. I had no continuity until I turned a branch circuit breaker on. I checked continuity at the main, in the meter stack, and found continuity.

I wonder how, by turning on a breaker, continuity was obtained at the sub panel between the ground and neutral when no continuity existed prior?

The following is from another post:


The subpanel has a grounding electrode conductor between the ground bar and main waterpipe providing a path. I believe that whatever cut the neutral wire was also in contact with the ground wire.

Anyone please correct me if I'm wrong but in this case wouldn't the conductor going to the waterpipe be considered a bonding jumper and not a gec for we are speaking of a sub panel here.
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