230715-1646 EDT
Can you approximately replicate your measurements of post #1:
If so, then there are several things to try.
First, verify that this is source from a single phase. If it is, then ( L1-N ) + ( L2-N ) will equal ( L!- L2 ) where - equals to.
Repeat your original experiment.
Open all two pole breakers except the main.
Open all single phase L2 breakers, L2 should read 0 current, and close all L1 single phase breakers. L2 should read 0 current, and L1 and neutral should both read the same.
Open all single phase L1 breakers, L1 should read 0 current, and close all L2 single phase breakers. L1 should read 0 current, and L2 and neutral should both read the same.
Open all single pole breakers, and close all 2 pole breakers. Measure L1, L2, and neutral currents.
Presents your results.