Neutral Q

Here's the remainder of loads/one line.. MDP and LP panels. There's has to be L to N

And if your feeding a 3P 4W panel you'd need the neutral. Feed to LP has no neutral.


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Here's the remainder of loads/one line.. MDP and LP panels. There's has to be L to N

And if your feeding a 3P 4W panel you'd need the neutral. Feed to LP has no neutral.
You only need to install a neutral if that panel has line to neutral loads. A 3P 4W panel does not require a neutral if there are no line to neutral loads.
This certainly would have been easier to address if the first post contained all relevant information!
Sorry. Yellow are new circuits. So below is the one line, panel MDP( which feds sub panels) and one sub panel schedule.

1. The heat trace circuits out of LP-1 have to be line to neutral correct?
2. Also looks like loads out of sun panel 1A are line to neutral?



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He's not. The distribution panel (MCP) shows single phase, 120/208 volt panels.
On the Power Riser Diagram it shows "MDP1 250AMP 120/208Y 3 PHASE MAIN BREAKER" feeding "2C SUB PANEL 120/240 1 PHASE MAIN LUG". Does that just mean the panel is 240V rated but the circuits will all be 208/120V single phase?