new home wiring

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Re: new home wiring

Originally posted by georgestolz:

You'll learn who you can "trust" and who you'll question. The key is: Question everything. Verify what you see here by yourself, and call anyone to task when they err. Because in the errors are lessons, for those who just read, and for those who write the errors.

Question Everything.
I'll second that. Sound advice George.
Re: new home wiring

Originally posted by georgestolz: Well, Jethro, before the thread gets locked. . . .
And don't think it wouldn't be, if we start heading down a "certain" path. :eek:
Re: new home wiring

i seem to come across wrong my typing seems rude but it is not meant that way i am an easy going guy but my written words seem not to convey my attitude.
Re: new home wiring

Originally posted by jethro:
gee what did i start i just want to learn well georgestolz
You can call me George. :)

i have found several errors with the color orange it appears everytime you use orange you misstep
I percieve this statement as offensive. No call for that.
(as i always make mistakes i need not be told about mine)
I applaud your humility. I take issue with your sarcasm, as I try to be as open with my mistakes as I can.

Uhh . . . okay :)

as for the last one i will have to read up to check but the quote above your comment has 120/240 high leg(should be 120/208)
There is no high leg on a 120/208 system. See this thread for a full explanation. It was on your list: all occurances of the term "orange" by member 19734. :) to cushion the blow. It may sound stupid, but it is an effective way to avoid hurt feelings. ;)

Edit to add:

I'm a bit confused, because I couldn't find the post I was sending you to in the first place. I must not have submitted it. On occasion, I will write a book and a half and then realize, "Hey! This adds nothing to the discussion!"

So, I apologize for sending you on a wild goose chase. What I wrote at one point in the past month was in essence that the way the code was worded you could have every conductor in a 3? 120/240 system as orange - as long as the high-leg was marked orange, the code would be satisfied. I must have caught my error at the time, and not posted it.

The weird thing is, it popped back into my head as truth afterwards, and I rediscovered for the fourteenth time that it wasn't true. We'll see if it sticks this time. :p

[ November 15, 2005, 10:49 PM: Message edited by: georgestolz ]
Re: new home wiring

Sign at supply house counter:

Answers $2.00 :)
Answers which require thought $5.00 :(
Dumb looks are still free. :D
Re: new home wiring

sorry i must have blacked out for a sec and been thinking it said 240 was the high leg voltage on a delta system that is not corner ground or an open delta on center tap delta it is true that one phase to center of the other two is the high leg (23 years of industrial exp and i still goof up)icon shows embarasment?
Re: new home wiring

Originally posted by jethro:
sorry i must have blacked out for a sec
Happens to all of us. :)
(23 years of industrial exp and i still goof up)
And some punk with 3 days of commercial to rub together had the audacity to point out your mistake, and that's what's cool about this place. Everybody has different experience to poll from, and an equal voice. :eek: <--This one.
Re: new home wiring

Originally posted by georgestolz:
Well, Jethro, before the thread gets locked, I will just say that this is an impossible question. On a typical 2000 sq ft (give or take) home, I will use around 2000 ft 14-2, 1250 12-2, 750 14-3.
Ok... just looking around the site and I am by no means a electrician, but why would you need to use 14-2 vs 12-2? Couldn't you just use 14-2 for all your 15amp circuits? What do you use the 12-2 for?
Re: new home wiring

Originally posted by Jason_H:
Couldn't you just use 14-2 for all your 15amp circuits? What do you use the 12-2 for?
You need 12/2 for the code required 20 amp circuits.
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