90.8 Wiring Planning.
(A) Future Expansion and Convenience. Plans and specifications that provide ample space in raceways, spare raceways, and additional spaces allow for future increases in electric power and communication circuits. Distribution centers located in readily accessible locations provide convenience and safety of operation.
From the 2008 NFPA NEC Handbook:
The requirement for providing the exclusively dedicated equipment space mandated by 110.26(F) supports the intent of 90.8(A) regarding future increases in the use of electricity. The phrase ?and communications circuits? was added for the 2005 Code to point out the importance of considering communications circuits when planning future needs. Electrical and communications distribution centers
should contain additional space and capacity for future additions and
should be conveniently located for easy accessibility.
Where electrical and communications distribution equipment is installed so that easy access cannot be achieved, a spare raceway(s) or pull line(s)
should be run at the initial installation. . .
The NEC doesn't include anything other than to make to make a statement about what would be nice to have. The handbook commentary makes some should statements (the red is mine) but there is no requirement to be smart. Also, the builder may have required a shoestring job for the electrician to get the job. If I were the electrician, I would not put my money into a larger and more expensive panelboard unless someone were willing to pony up the cash for the additional expense.