new meter can

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Senior Member
Olathe, Kansas
going to replace an old meter, overhead service, fed with snakeskin,
with new meter can, rigid mast, XHHW conductors.
The question is the current panel is located in a clothes closet. House was built in 1954. No interior changes are being made. Is the panel in a clothes closet an issue? Thank You
going to replace an old meter, overhead service, fed with snakeskin,
with new meter can, rigid mast, XHHW conductors.
The question is the current panel is located in a clothes closet. House was built in 1954. No interior changes are being made. Is the panel in a clothes closet an issue? Thank You

It would be okay here, because it is existing. New wire to panel?
It would matter here in washington I believe. Most inspectors here call this an altered service and as such the closet rule applies. I installed a service in an existing closet once and all the shelving and rods were removed. A nameplate was affixed to the door that said Electricl Equipment Only No Storage Allowed. This satisfied the inspector on an existing service location.
It would matter here in washington I believe. Most inspectors here call this an altered service and as such the closet rule applies. I installed a service in an existing closet once and all the shelving and rods were removed. A nameplate was affixed to the door that said Electricl Equipment Only No Storage Allowed. This satisfied the inspector on an existing service location.
You can store anything but 'clothing'... e.g. panel in kitchen pantry. Not that I advocate such.... But have done it...
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