New Moderator

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I've missed a lot of "school" lately and just now found this out.
Congrats Wayne/Hurk!
Did a mod get voted off the island? Or is this just an addition?
Is this the thread where we brown-nose a new moderator? Or should we pity him for having to watch over all of us?
This is just the introductory brown-nose thread. The pity thread is after Wayne posts a series of complaints about our attitudes. Of course, the real work like backstabbing, flaming, etc. will be done via PMs as usual.
Welcome Hurk. It is nice to someone from this area as a moderator. Your post have challenged me to dig deeper. Located on the east side of Indiana, we share the same code cycle and frustration with the state. Good Luck
I've missed a lot of "school" lately and just now found this out.
Congrats Wayne/Hurk!
Did a mod get voted off the island? Or is this just an addition?
We generally get one new mod a year. As time goes on we loose a few participants but they do not usually lose their mod status.
OK, you can tell him what really happened, Bob threw a dart at a dart board and it hit Indiana, now he's a moderator. :lol:
Welcome Wayne.

Wayne from Indiana? What? Where? How did I become a moderator? Oh, wait, that OTHER Wayne from Indiana!

Congrats Wayne!
You say thanks now, wait until after the Internet forum monitoring chip is implanted in your arm. :happyyes:


Wow!!! Lets not get into the chip conversation…LOL!!!
Congrads Hurk!!! Thank you for your help during my exam years!!
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