New variable speed Pool pump

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Senior Member
Electrician ,contractor
Hi anyone know how these new pool motors can really save money. Here in Ca. They are mandatory and I hear maybe for replacment.
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Hi anyone know how these new pool motors can really save money. Here in Ca. They are mandatory and I hear maybe for replacment.

Let?s say that you are doing an installation and the filter bed pressure drop and the volume of the pool requires you to have a certain amount of flow. Add a fudge factor of 25% and you pick the next highest GPM pump. So you turn on the system and find out that the pump is actually 35% oversized.

The ASD will allow you to turn down the pump to the desired flow. Say that pool is also lightly used at certain times, so it does not get as dirty; you can further reduce the flow. Lets say that you have pollen mucking up your pool at certain times of the year; you turn the sped up. You also have a pressure sensor to maintain constant pressure as the filter getting dirtier the ASD will provide you with greater torque to maintain the same flow.

So what do you think the answer to your question is?

Is the law fair to the consumer? Of course. They elected the lawmakers.
I see your point

I guess that depends on the pumps efficiency curve. There needs to be a great enough difference to make it worth while. What the folks are recommending is a Larger new pump and have it run slow. but an old system has smaller pipes and head pressure than a newly designed system.
I see the biggest savings is keeping the system filter clean and running the pump the least amount of time.

I see the point in an air conditioner but I don't see the point in a older pool.
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