Exception to (D)(2): Where single phase inverters are connected to polyphase systems, rating determination shall be permitted to be calculated using the vector sum of 125 percent of the inverters' output circuit current.
Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input
Editions prior to 2014 specified using the sum of overcurrent protection device ratings. The 2014 edition changed that to using the sum of 125 percent of the inverter(s) output circuit current. Overcurrent protection device ratings are magnitude only. So prior to the 2014 edition, the arithmetic sum was the only option. However, inverter output circuit currents have both magnitude and phase, where single phase inverters are connected to polyphase systems. One of the advantages of polyphase systems is they can deliver the same amount of power as single phase using smaller conductors. Seems reasonable that photovoltaic systems should also utilize this advantage... and using the arithmetic sum prohibits this advantage
Many electrical professionals, including those representing the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), are uncertain if the 2014 edition permits using the vector sum (e.g. use 3? calculation methods where single-phase inverters are connected to 3? systems). Of the professionals that realize using the vector sum is a possibility, many resort to using the arithmetic sum because it is the safer approach to this uncertainty. This also creates the potential for a system designer or installer to use the vector sum in his rating determination and then having his plan or installation rejected by the AHJ.
An example is three 40A 208V 1? inverters connected in a delta configuration to a 208Y/120V 3? 4W system. The minimum overcurrent protection device (OCPD) for each inverter is 40A ? 125% = 50A. Prior to 2014 edition, after outputs were combined, provisions required using the sum of the two OCPD's connected to the same bus/conductor (100A). However, the rated output after combined is only 40A ? ?3 = 69A. The bus/conductor ampacity rating could be determined 125% ? 40A ? ?3 = 87A (the conventional equivalent calculation of the vector sum of 125 percent of the inverters output circuit current).
If the Code-Making Panel believes the concept to be obvious without revision, perhaps consider changing the proposed exception to an informational note.