NFPA 780 Lightning Protection Calculator

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Senior Member
Anyone who uses this in flash density zone 3 or higher ever had the calculation come back as "optional" and not "required"?

I live in Zone 4. Playing with the calculator and inputing "funny" numbers with the lowest co-efficients you can use it still spits out "required".

You have to use Zone 2 or lower and short buildings with no valuable content to get "optional".

I would think with Florida and the Gulf Coast being pretty much between Zones 10 and 14 that anything under Zone 5 would be medium to light risk and systems optional most of the time and systems would be optional as the rule, not the exception.
Almost anything to do with lightning protection is optional.

An owner / designer of a structure usually knows right off the bat whether an LPS will be installed or not regardless of the risk analysis or any other calculation one may perform.

I personally would be less worried about the flash density analysis and more concerned with what protections the structure type and contents necessitate.

Its a matrix of decision making. A low risk structure in a high risk zone may not need protection, whereas a high risk structure in a low risk zone would.

Its more common sensical than analytical.
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