NFPA Surivability Level

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Senior Member
Im helping a friend out with a code issue, specifically as NFPA survivability ratings such as Level 0, Level 1, Level 2. Does anyone have a explanation for these ratings and how they are used? I appreciate it.
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Yes, we actually both did.

Im having a hard time understanding which level you are required to install though.
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Yea, that article is pretty much what im looking for.

Lets say you have a sprinklered building with a voice notification system. Would you classify that as level 1 or 2 though?
The level you are looking for depends what type of wiring you have installed, if it's a vocie evac system and the wiring between the control panel and the equipment on each floor is 2 hr rated than it would be Level 2. NFPA 72 is where to look. I am not sure if a sprinkled building would be acceptable to the AHJ as 2-HR rated, there was an exception in NFPA 72 2007 that allowed a sprinkled building to be considered a way to satisfy the 2 hr rating requirement however that was removed in 72-2010.
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