During a class today, the discussion was about costs, the instructor said "We don't charge sales tax on these jobs" ( he was speaking generally, not meaning any particular type of job). I said "We don't??" Someone else said "Not on labor, material only". I've been charging sales tax on the total invoice amount, except on jobs considered new construction or capital improvement. Does anyone really know what's right??
And while I'm on the subject, if you are charging sales tax, as I am, are you also paying sales tax to your supplier, as I am? If you're paying sales tax when you buy your material, and then charge your customer sales tax for the same, that's double taxation and I think there's got to be a way to avoid it.
And while I'm on the subject, if you are charging sales tax, as I am, are you also paying sales tax to your supplier, as I am? If you're paying sales tax when you buy your material, and then charge your customer sales tax for the same, that's double taxation and I think there's got to be a way to avoid it.