A lot of the problems we have with Hacks, is encouraged by the state, with the States unfrindly business practices, endless paper work, penalties set at excessive amounts, and no enforcement for underground operations, no wonder the state is in trouble, they can't can bring these underground operaters in to the paying system, when thay see the treatment a ligitment business gets.
I want to live in a state, that dosen't assume all contractors are crooks, the pay sales tax up front shows the respect they have for us.
I want to live in a state, that works with business and property owners, not adding burdens and excessive taxes, and penalties to those trying to pay their fair share.
The state need revenue to operate, and I think we all agree on that, but if business keeps leaving, we are all in trouble.
I want to live in a state, that dosen't assume all contractors are crooks, the pay sales tax up front shows the respect they have for us.
I want to live in a state, that works with business and property owners, not adding burdens and excessive taxes, and penalties to those trying to pay their fair share.
The state need revenue to operate, and I think we all agree on that, but if business keeps leaving, we are all in trouble.
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