I understand voltage drop has to do with wire size, voltage and distance. I've got experience in running underground lines long distances. I have a customer that has a small shed with a 200'run of 10/2G UF running underground. It's a 120 volt circuit that feeds nothing but an air compressor. Spec plate says it pulls 15 amps on 120. Someone else ran the underground line. Voltage at the receptacle is about 122 with no load. With the compressor on voltage drops to 114 and the amperage is 16.7. Sometimes it trips the breaker which is understandable. I'm running a new #6 line to it to resolve the voltage drop. I have a compressor of the same size in my shop and I thought I would perform a test just out of curiosity. I'm had a roll of 12/2g Gomez and put a cord cap on one end and receptacle on the other and plugged the compressor in while taking a amp reading. Amps never got over 14. The romex was still in a 250' coil. My question is would I get the same reading if the romex was stretched out to 250'? Why was there no voltage drop yet there was significant drop on the 10/2 underground line?