Not A Stone In The Backfill

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When you find yourself digging up a lawn to replace cable under warranty i hope you remember how much you saved.

If you figure in the 6 inches less you need to dig it offsets the cost.

If i have any say in the job it will be in pipe, i simply do not enjoy digging twice

I have yet to dig up anyone' lawn to replace a cable under warranty that I installed. Knock on wood.

What's I'm saying is you condemn a wiring method simply because someone else's laziness causes you to work for money.

If you find a house with NM in it, and someone drove a 3" screw through the NM, are you going to quit using NM and run rigid in all your houses?

If a snow- or ice-storm starts ripping overhead risers off houses, are you going to summarily dismiss overhead services?

UG cables are a fact of life. If you want to make every customer of yours pay for the Cadillac of wiring, then fine. But some people must make a choice when it comes to spendin their money.

If you're so dead set on a raceway, let me introduce you to my patented, copyrighted SupeRaceway.

I like Jim's answer on soil composition!

There are available state geo - maps or Federal deciated maps showing / presenting a summary average of aggregate and there respective compositions!

Some minor study's of aggregate and moisture, Cowboys Thread on Sheetrock sure puts it in propective...

Alex, I'll go with Is that a Pin hole in the plastic jacket installed on the wrong day temperature wish?
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