Not Fridays photos.

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76nemo said:
Let me reword this. THERE WAS NO NEUTRAL!!!!! The neutral was snipped at the weatherhead, and I know it's used as a guy, I don't live by my title, just joke about it. Trust me, the Grid consultant was just as shocked this morning.

Did you see this before it was ripped down?
i seen this many times. usually in the winter after a good heavy wet snowstorm we have a days worth of work fixing peoples service drops. ive also seen them ripped by trucks driving under them. garbage trucks at the steel place i worked at used to drive with the dumpster forks up 20 feet in the air and they would rip down the drop feeding the shed for the control cabinet. not sure why it wasnt underground but thats what happened
iwire said:
It did have a neutral when the service was installed then it was damaged, it now needs to be repaired.

I guess I just don't understand what your trying to point out. :-?

I am going to sweat beer cans. NO NEUTRAL to utility line. NEVER, NO HOW.



This took it down John, from 30' away:

peter d said:
Then it was probably getting its "neutral" from a municipal metal water system, no?

I wouldn't call it a neutral:cool: , BUTTTTT...... Peedaahhh, you won the grand prize. You listened to me, thank you. Yes, water main GEC.
76nemo said:
I wouldn't call it a neutral:cool: , BUTTTTT...... Peedaahhh, you won the grand prize. You listened to me, thank you. Yes, water main GEC.

Who would do something like that???? Any idea how long it was like that? And what do I win?
76nemo said:
I am going to sweat beer cans. NO NEUTRAL to utility line. NEVER, NO HOW.

I don't care what you sweat, that had a neutral.

Look at this picture


You see that 'lump' on the conductor just below the porcelain knob?

That is the utility company crimp from the messenger to the SE cables bare conductor.

Now blow this picture up


I blew it up 400% and you can see that the SE cables bare neutral is folded under the weather head clamp, there is even a few strands hanging out that did not break clean.

Am I there, did I see it myself? Nope, but I still am very confident that the neutral was attached at some point, the crimp in the picture proves that.
76nemo said:
23+ years Peeedaahhh. I'll buy dinner, hurry up, this 30 pack is spreading thin:grin:

Well it looks like "Sherlock Badger" might have blown your "no neutral" theory out of the water, but I'll still take you up on that offer for dinner. ;)
At one point, I'm sure there was, as of yesterday, I can't spell TRUST ME with seven letters. The anchor came out of the house, the drop went down. You know what, this is wasting my beer time, delete the thread:grin: :grin: :grin:
76nemo said:
At one point, I'm sure there was, as of yesterday, I can't spell TRUST ME with seven letters. The anchor came out of the house, the drop went down. You know what, this is wasting my beer time, delete the thread:grin: :grin: :grin:

PWI again???
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