Not per code, but safe?

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apparently the EGC (bare wire in the UF) is not connected somewhere.
Well casing (bonded to the EGC of the UF cable) read 122V and 118 V line to ground on LoZ setting on FLuke meter.

Connected 250 ohm load to one side, now get 240 V l-l, but 100V on loaded side, 140V on unloaded side.
Open bare wire in the UF somewhere, must not be a single wire, will need to find the open connection.

At least now I know the well casing in series with whateve is on the feed side (poco plus house grounds) is 50 ohms. Well is likely under 1 ohm, the other grounds 49 ohms..
If not for the now questionable EGC to the well casing, I had an idea for shed lighting....... A nice solar panel, charge controller and 12 (24?) volt led lighting in the shed....

Oh well just a thought to throw out

another update:

RE: a Jan 2014 WA state electrical inspection permit signoff sticker.
Somebody slipped one past the inspector back then- I got to looking for the UF ground wire break in detail. Initially I saw the white (with black tape) and the black and a 12 AWG ground wire in the panel for the well pump breaker. Panel fairly crowed near the top so had not really looked by moving all other wires out of the way. Originally assume UF came into main panel. Not so.
Lo and behold, the romex coming into the box (well hidden behind other cables) was a 12-2 w/ 16 AWG ground wire, with a 12AWG wire nutted to it right at the entrance! Obviously using the grounding conductor in the UF as a current carrying conductor with that 16 AWG hidden link is not safe.
Was going to try to trace in the house, but the attic was 120F yesterday and had no insulation mask with me.

Probably end up with a new cable anyway....
Oh well (pun intended) At least the house is a few miles south of the bottom edge of the Puget Sound lobe of the last glacier, so no rocks in soil and easy to trench.

RE: No idea when the UF installed.
Must have been between 1960 and 1970 when the 16 AWG EGC was allowed in 12-2 NM. -IIRC the 1959 code allowed 16 AWG EGC?

The electrician who did the 2013/2014 new panel install probably knew the inspector would flag the 16 AWG EGC so did a 'hide this detail' job and the NM is slpiced to the UF 'somewhere'.

Found one other detail in the attic before abandoning the search due to heat - a box with a 12-3 wg cable with no terminations, no idea where the other end is, but suspect that the 2013 electrician did start to replace the well feed, but gave up due to difficulty or HO objections to cost??? Who knows, but interesting mystery.
How about 250.24(A)(5), 250.32(B)(1), and 250.142(B)?
I wonder what all those sections looked like when the shed circuit was installed, assuming it was 20+ years ago. I imagine at least 250.32(B) wasn't a problem.

I agree with the OP subject, 'not per code. But safe' ... until something happens to the 12awg neutral/EGC. At least the shed circuit will stop working and give someone a clue.
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