Not photoshopped, no foolin'

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Here's an another one from awhile back.


Knock knock.

?I?m in the shower.?

?Sorry to bother you dear, but the vacuum cleaner quit again.?

?Just a sec. Let me get the soap out of my eyes.?

? Would you check the fuse. I think it blew again.?

?This lid is getting harder to get open. Remind me to WD-40 it.?

?Is it blown??

Yep, it sure is.?

?There should be a box of fuses in the soap dish.?

? This the last one. Would you swing by the store tomorrow and pick up a box of 30?s? I thought stepping up to the 20?s would have helped.?

?The lights are back on. Thanks Honey.?

? No problem.?

? Enjoy the rest of your shower?
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