Obligation to tie to the grid?

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Ok so your saying in not so many words that electric is mandated for residential applications, then how can a power company turn power Off at all even if someone fails to pay them then?

That is an interesting question but here you won't get an occupancy permit without power.
the utility tariffs generally do not require connection

state/local building codes may require connection for certain structure type or occupancy use
usually an alternate method is allowed: co-gen, onsite, etc.

sewer and water are different
usually local authorities that enact an ordinance that require connection for health/welfare and to more fairly distribute the cost burden
a structure requires these to be habitable, electricity is not an absolute necessity
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OP never said if this is accessory to single family, on a farm for the use of the farmer, or at Lockheed Martin for assembling space shuttles. He did mention S1 but he did not cite a code which defines it.

A municipality can require utility connections. There is plenty of case history on it.

If this is a barn for animals, storage of tractor or hay, etc. and there is nothing more than a single family home on the parcel and there are no employees, I have a hard time thinking a municipality is going to mandate grid connected power, but you never know.

OP or his buddy or whoever is the victim here needs to escalate this matter above the individual who is telling them it needs to be grid connected.
Lighting is required for a Occupancy of S-1. See the IBC 1006.1 and 1006.2, and 1006.3.

If its an agricultural building (a barn for livestock for example), it would be a use group U, and lighting would not be required. See the IBC appendix C.

I would see if the building could be reclassified as a use group U.

Also See the IBC 1205.3 for lighting requirements for non-egress areas. This can be provided by the electric service, or by natural light.
Should this not be Group U Utility & Misc.?
agricultural buildings
livestock shelters

oops, see someone beat me to it
Can't you go ahead and allow the grid connection but not use it? Then you have it avaliable in case you want to use it. Also, if you ever sell the property, I would think that would be increase the property value.
Can anyone tell me of a code book that requires a class S1 structure to be tied to the electrical grid, as opposed to only using solar power?
I have a customer submitting for a barn that the AHJ is making an S1 structure, but he only wants to use solar power and batteries to light the egress paths and other S1 requirements for lighting.

I cant find a local ordinance or anything in the IBC or NEC that requires connection to the monopolistic utility. Basically, the AHJ cant provide a source for this requirement other than because "that's what he said" and everyone must be on the grid...

Seems odd...

Thank you very much,

The local AHJ may require that structures within their jurisdiction be connected to the grid. They may make you have service but they cannot make you use it. If your customer wants to install an offgrid system to power his barn and not connect it to the grid I don't think the AHJ can stop him or would even care. Whether it would be a good idea, economically speaking, is of course a completely different discussion.
Can't you go ahead and allow the grid connection but not use it? Then you have it avaliable in case you want to use it. Also, if you ever sell the property, I would think that would be increase the property value.

All utilities I am familiar with have a monthly connection charge. They may also have a minimum billing charge depending on the tariff. You would be paying these charge(s) in perpetuity for no gain other than some rather soft future resell value.
A barn is classified as a U use in the 2015 IBC. Will there be animals in the barn? if so, is there a need for electricity to care and safeguard the animals?
or the people using the barn.

I'm thinking this is not a "barn" in terms of animal husbandry, otherwise it WOULD be Class U like you said. The fact that the AHJ is calling it "S1" means the user must be storing something, like machinery, that could be potentially hazardous. That may then require fire suppression, which may in turn require connection to the grid.

"Section 311.2 Moderate hazard storage Group S1
• Aircraft repair hangar
• Cardboard
• Clothing
• Lumber
• Motor vehicle repair garages
• Tires"
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