occupancy sensor switchgear room

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new jersey
I am of the understanding that lighting in electrical rooms or areas containing switchgear or panelboards can not be operated by automatic means (occupancy sensors, etc.). Is there an NEC article that states this (I cannot locate it) or is this a requirement of some other building code or am I totally off base on this? Thanks
I'd say it falls more under the ASHRAE 90.1 guidelines which give exceptions to areas that would affect safety. A switchgear room would definitely fall under that category.
NFPA 70E, Standard for Electrical Safety Requirements for Employee Workplaces says "In electrical equipment rooms, the illumination shall not be controlled by automatic means only."
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I had the same understanding that the lights in an electrical or mechanical room cannot be automatically switched off where it may present a hazard to someone that is doing work. I cannot find any code that states this. I can only find "Shall not be controlled by automatic means only". Has anyone seen any other code reference?
I had the same understanding that the lights in an electrical or mechanical room cannot be automatically switched off where it may present a hazard to someone that is doing work. I cannot find any code that states this. I can only find "Shall not be controlled by automatic means only". Has anyone seen any other code reference?

See what Raider posted. Yes one can install Occupancy sensors if they have a manual over ride switch
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