Re: OK, how would you wire your OWN house?
Here is my personal wish list:
Lightning rods and down conductors
TVSS on the main panel
X-10 lighting control: All lighting powered from 3 adjacent circuits (3,5,7 for example) to make X-10 powerline carrier signals easy to use. I want to be able to turn on all the lights inside and out EXCEPT the ones in my bedroom, so that any "targets of opportunity" are lit up, and I am not! Also want to be able to turn off the major lights in the house from my bedside.
Ufer ground. We don't need no stinkin ground rods!
A dedicated circuit for every two outlets in the Kitchen, outlets on 24" centers
220V 50A in the shop
Many of the outlets, for example in the office, shop and bedroom, at 48" so they are not behind the furniture.
Solar + battery + inverter power for key systems that need to survive a power outage: freezer, computer, furnace, lights in key rooms, water well.