Old Sub-Panel Grounded Thru New Sub-Panel

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New member
N. Central FL
I am working in an old 60 amp sub-panel in an attached garage wood frame home with crawl space where everything is feed under the house and attached to the floor joists. It is feed from the main load center by 240v (red and black) and a neutral with no ground. All circuits and grounds in this old sub-panel are bonded at this older sub-panel to the neutral.

I am installing a new 30 amp sub-panel with a separate feed also from the main load center in a different location and while doing so have the opportunity (because things are opened up) to run a ground to the old sub-panel. So my question is 3 fold:

1. Would it be idea while things are open to run a ground to the old sub-panel either from the new sub or from the main panel? I would separate the grounds and neutrals in the old panel

2. Can I run this ground from the Newly Installed 30 amp panel. In other words running the ground from the main thru the new panel where ground bonds and then to the old panel (each sub-panel 30 amp and 60 amp both have separate feeds and breakers from the Main - no sharing)? But adding the ground thru the new panel this way would be closer.

3. Just to be certain, regardless if it would be wise to run from the new sub-panel - OR better - a new ground from main panel ... for 60 amps should I a #10 ground? Or can it be #12?

Your thoughts are appreciated.

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