On Call pay

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I am the boss where I work and I am the only one on call 24/7. Generally troubleshooting support by phone and in to work in an emergency. I give my crews the option, when the occasion arrises, someone volunteer to be on call or I have the option to post the work and it's manditory. My guy's figure it out and cover for one another, just like you used to. Did this guy have to get a bigger hat when he got promoted or is this being forced on him. Sound like you and the guys should challenge up. As long as the work is covered by a qualified person, why does it matter who? Maybe he doesn't have a choice?

Good Luck
billsnuff said:
I am the boss where I work and I am the only one on call 24/7. Generally troubleshooting support by phone and in to work in an emergency. I give my crews the option, when the occasion arrises, someone volunteer to be on call or I have the option to post the work and it's manditory. My guy's figure it out and cover for one another, just like you used to. Did this guy have to get a bigger hat when he got promoted or is this being forced on him. Sound like you and the guys should challenge up. As long as the work is covered by a qualified person, why does it matter who? Maybe he doesn't have a choice?

Good Luck

Sounds like a leadership issue. Guys dont go for the tyrant method much any more. The boss should treat them as professionals, get input and make the final decision. If it doesnt work for everyone then decisions have to be made.
I got a little bit of pleasure last night. I got a call, from a plant undergoing an upgrade. The guy over the plant was panicking. He said the contractors had tripped the main on the plant, reset, and the generator wouldn't transfer back. The whole plant won't run off of the generator.

By the time I got there, they had about 25 people in the main control room. Contractors electricians, their bosses, and the plant manager. They all looked like deer in the headlights. I walked in and glanced at the main and it was still open and the charging handle was in the wrong position.

I asked them if they were sure the fault had been cleared, and they all chimed in with a big yes. I put the charging handle down, pushed the button, the gen went off line. Everything cool.

I needed the money when the company I worked at had on call. I took it from the other guys, every week, some guys actually gave me extra cash for taking the on call.

Can you pass it to the others?

At this company I have been on call 24X7 for 23 years.
I work at a LNG import facility. We dont get paid for being on call, we also have no restricions when on call. If Im drinking I tell the boss and he calls the next guy, no big deal. Out of the 6 of us one can go it. We get paid minimum four hrs overtime and miles even if it only takes five mins to fix.
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We have a 14 guy rotation and get $40 for the week and overtime if called out w/ a minimum of 1.5 hrs paid to you per call. I've learned that if I am in the middle of something, to not drop it, but let the cust know the soonest I could be there. If you take a van home, you take call. Is $40 weak??
There are other lines of work out there...just so you know.

There are other lines of work out there...just so you know.

76nemo said:
Being on call goes both ways. I look forward to quite a few cold ones after the day is done. Although the fact of someone calling me when a team of electricians have failed somewhat excites me. Which is more comforting? I can't draw the line. "On call" should pay good $. I enjoy the challenge. Just call early enough!

When I think about it, some of the most fun and exciting times I've had as an electrician and some of the greatest satisfaction came from those emergency calls, even after a full days schedule. I always feel good about accomplishing a challanging repair to restore power to a customer who returns your efforts with much grattitude.

After something like that the "cold ones" (stout for me) always taste better.

And I got paid too. Overtime. Life's good. :grin: :grin: :grin:
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