One hole straps used to strap ground wire

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Which gets into where do you draw the line. Listed raceway strap supporting a plumbing pipe - can EI reject that? Plumbing inspector likely doesn't other then if it introduces a dissimilar metals problem.


Why is the EI inspecting plumbing?

Why is the EI inspecting plumbing?
He probably isn't, but a listed electrical component was used for non electrical item was the point. Where does listing/use of item per listing end and said item just becomes sort of like a non listed item?

There are other pipe straps out there that will fit raceways - especially RMC/IMC, is it violation to use them for electrical raceway if not listed?

Is it a violation to use say 1/2" strap marked for RMC on 3/4 EMT? They don't fit perfect but are fairly close and do work well in a pinch?

I don't even want to open the RMC strap on PVC discussion - oops I probably just did:)
We have Jiffy Clips in our inventory, they are a one hole strap of various sizes, down to perhaps 1/8". I often use for GEC, wrap the GEC with a few turns of 33 if corrosion is an issue

I like the black T&B cable tie anchors, they go into a 1/4" hole and then take a cable ty, I use the black nylon types.
On this page about the middle, The work really well and are faster than the Jiffy Clips. I tend to use this more often.
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