Operating a disconnect

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zog said:
You want to stand on the hinged side of the cabinet door, not all open the same way, but this rule is a common practice and not found in any US standard. :confused:

OSHA bans the wearing of meltable fabrics when arc flash hazard exists but currently does not require arc rated clothing, thats a 70E requirement but is enforceable by OSHA through the general duty clause.

Safety 869, your origianal post mentioned turning your head away, bad idea when wearing HRC 2 PPE, the face sheild turns into an arc scoop in that situation.

If you are standing on the hinged side of cabinet door, in many cases you won't be able to reach the disconnect handle. Also, should there be an arc blast and the door latches do not hold the door will swing into you with great force.:-?
dlhoule said:
If you are standing on the hinged side of cabinet door, in many cases you won't be able to reach the disconnect handle. Also, should there be an arc blast and the door latches do not hold the door will swing into you with great force.:-?

tie a rope to the handle and go 50 feet away to open it.

there are actually motorized operators for some switches for remote operation.
The rope will probably work for opening it, but might be more difficult for closing it. I have seen a few of the remote operators.
dlhoule said:
If you are standing on the hinged side of cabinet door, in many cases you won't be able to reach the disconnect handle. Also, should there be an arc blast and the door latches do not hold the door will swing into you with great force.:-?

Right, the door will hit you and also provide some sheilding from the arc flash, but if you stand on the other side the door the door redirects the arc to you, I will take the beating from the door over burns anyday.

Ever been in a burn unit? I have, its ugly.
We use this procedure with one addition.

Safety869 said:
I am a safety person in a large manufacturing plant and was always taught to stand to the right side of a disconnect, use your left hand and face away,take and hold a deep breath, then throw the handle. .

You fill your lungs so in the event of a flash, you do not gasp. This prevents you from sucking the hot gases into your lungs.
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