Organizing and Protecting Blueprints On the job.

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In my opinion, that would be way too small of an image to work with in the field. Yes I know you can zoom in and out, but it is so easy to miss something when you do that.

Bet you $ for doughnuts that this is what is to come. It is just so cost effective that it will gain acceptance. Of course certain drafting principles need to be established, like minimum text size and how dense one can pack a drawing, but conversely you can have variable text size where you can pack an entire hospital floor on one drawing, then go from room to room.

I routinely do this on pdf review of all submitted packages. Most who says can not or shouldn't be done haven't tried it. It just plain works.
Bet you $ for doughnuts that this is what is to come. It is just so cost effective that it will gain acceptance. Of course certain drafting principles need to be established, like minimum text size and how dense one can pack a drawing, but conversely you can have variable text size where you can pack an entire hospital floor on one drawing, then go from room to room.

I routinely do this on pdf review of all submitted packages. Most who says can not or shouldn't be done haven't tried it. It just plain works.

I once worked with a county map that was in the form of a single large (60MB) pdf file. It took forever to download it on a dial-up connection, but it worked just fine after that. It had a set of thumbnails that let you find the square within the map that you wanted instead of having to scroll forever. I got to like it.
Bet you $ for doughnuts that this is what is to come. It is just so cost effective that it will gain acceptance. Of course certain drafting principles need to be established, like minimum text size and how dense one can pack a drawing, but conversely you can have variable text size where you can pack an entire hospital floor on one drawing, then go from room to room.

I routinely do this on pdf review of all submitted packages. Most who says can not or shouldn't be done haven't tried it. It just plain works.

What program do you use to markup your PDF's? If I could get something cheap (free, as far as the owner is concerned) it would make getting markups done a whole lot easier.
What program do you use to markup your PDF's? If I could get something cheap (free, as far as the owner is concerned) it would make getting markups done a whole lot easier.

i just downloaded hyperpdf, for the mac, from the mac store for $9.99

it's got some basic annotation ability, but isn't as spiffy as adobe acrobat pro...
it also isn't $500 bucks. :eek:... online retailers show it at $120 bucks... dunno
if that is legitimate price.

i had acrobat pro on the PC, and you could embed videos in pdf's, sticky notes,
everything.... acrobat pro rocks.

i did a layout of a facility, showing underground conduits mapped for location
with a see snake and a locator, and you could click on a conduit, and see a
picture of the inside of the pipe at that point. you had datum ticks, and clicking
on them would open a post it note with depth, notes, etc.

turned out the electrical contractor who did the job left three 4" conduits
buried in the mud, unfinished, 30" deep in the center of a courtyard, under

makes pulling phone lines more difficult 4 years later.....
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