OSHA fines USPS $272,000 for lack of arc flash training

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I think it may be intended as just a creative means of federal budget reallocation. One dept thinks it's under budgeted so it sues one it thinks is over funded. USPS is a bit different though, since technically it?s now a private-sector operation.

Only in the most technical of senses. It's still government supported.

It maybe, but money is the driver of organizations, public or private. If they are exempt from fines, they'd get away with way too much crap playing the "we're a government agency, we can get away with whatever" card.

When a government agency gets fined it applies for a bigger budget to "restore" the services it cut to pay the fine. It's built-in bureaucratic inflation. They actually NEED fines to help grow. Change that $#00,000 fine on USPS to a $#,000 fine on the executive committee and you'll get a more positive response.
The only place I have ever seen OSHA is at government facilities. Private sector gets a pass on that. Government facilities don't get permits or inspections cuz "they" are owner operator and ahj , so OSHA inspects them. The fines go back to the general fund? No $ to correct. Just trying to make sense of nonsense.
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