Depends on the listing. If it's CMX as most direct burial UTP is you can't run it within buildings (except residential) unless it's in conduit. Although not specifically addressed by the Code, I see no reason why you can't treat a direct burial CMX cable entering a building from the outside the same as unlisted OSP cable which under the same circumstances can be run a maximum of 50 feet within a building without conduit.
If it's outside a building nobody cares what you use. That's a design issue.
The reason for the restrictions on type CMX cable is because the compounds used (the jell and the jacket) are flammable or will emit toxic fumes when burned. Since the NEC is only about the protection of life and property it has an interest in how this cable is used inside of buildings. Outside, there is no way any kind of data cable can endanger life and property so the NEC doesn't cover those installations.
Spoke with a local today who did his own installation in his greenhouse. Had to redo it 3 times before they passed inspections! :slaphead::lol: "First they wouldn't let me use the gray stuff (CM or unlisted I assume), then they wouldn't let me use the brown stuff (likely CMP?), then they told me I had to put the black stuff (CMX?) in conduit!"
Haha, exactly what I'm trying to avoid (and I won't argue with you about the reputation of some LV installers). I was familiar with the 50' limitation on unlisted OSP, and the inspector couldn't give me a straight answer on CMX over 50'.
Hmm, come up at the exterior of the greenhouse, run the cable on the outside and punch through the poly to a camera far less than 50' away?