outlets per circuit in residential

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I also add the wattage up on every light circuit to be sure I have enough to pull all lights at once , same as you do :grin:
Which is often done when, say, running a vacuum cleaner, which is another reason to separate lighting and receptacles.
Which is often done when, say, running a vacuum cleaner, which is another reason to separate lighting and receptacles.

Ageed the vacuum could trip almost any circuit. Really don't see anyway to stop this. Sure can't allow an extra 12 amps on every receptacle in the house. Have never had a customer complain over tripped breakers when running the vac. Perhaps it is because the load should not be on for more than a few minutes or maybe they lie about the amps just to sell the vac. Has anyone actually measured the amps ?
had a call on a sun morning, guy kept trippin the breaker, thought his vacuum was bad. had vacuum and electric heater 1500 watt on same circuit.

heater would kick in while vacuum running and trip. tag on vac said 12 amps and it measured right there. upright, don't remember the brand.

Never call the call back to replace the sub panel and divide up the circuits.
What you need to understand is a bedroom that is average will not use more electric based on number of receptacles. It might have as few as 3 or as many as 6 and use the same. That is why you need to look at what logically will be used. In modern homes your not likely to need space heaters. But you best plan on a computer,tv,sterio,ceiling fan. In a master you might have a few more items but not much. It is not the end of the world if a breaker trips. Use FPE equipment and you will not be tripping breakers.
A breaker trips .... Oh the humanity. :)

Okay, okay, we all know a breaker tripping isn't the end of the world. (Translation: see PM ;))

Still, it's nice to know the electrical system can carry what's realistically expected of it, though.
There is no general rule that I use. I look at the situation at hand and go from there.

excellent answer, job I am on now the customer wants lots of rec outlets just likes to have the flexabiity plus most of the wall space is on the main living floor is either french doors 6 of them and windows. I was watching the mike holt video on AFCI's and with the price of them I can see why people are going minimal.
excellent answer, job I am on now the customer wants lots of rec outlets just likes to have the flexabiity plus most of the wall space is on the main living floor is either french doors 6 of them and windows. I was watching the mike holt video on AFCI's and with the price of them I can see why people are going minimal.

Why minimal?

These numbers are to make a point.

2 home runs + 2 AFCI breakers = $200.00

Some people will go with the $200.00 cheaper job.
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