PAN files- are they free? trying to fix a software glitch

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This can't be right- unless there is one magic panel that has ZERO irradiance losses.
I can upload a new PAN file into the program, but where exactly can I find the file?

Performance Ratio 91.2%

I'm pretty sure that's magically high because of this missing number for the 2nd one here.

Temp Coefficient Pmax-0.449696%/°C
Temp Coefficient Voc%/°C
Temp Coefficient Isc0.039666%/°C

This one is OK I believe. Irradiance loss of 2.0% on this one, so how does one get the above missing .3% into the PAN file?
Performance Ratio 87.1%
Temp Coefficient Pmax-0.45%/°C
Temp Coefficient Voc-0.3%/°C
Temp Coefficient Isc0.04%/°C

Thanks in advance if anyone can help.
I've typically gotten PAN files from the manufacturer. Are you using PVsyst? You can edit PAN files in PVsyst.

Hey, thanks- that's the problem, I'm not.
I either need the file without the missing .03%, as I can upload PANs, or a different program to edit them, not sure if I can even download the typo-file however, so the 1st option looks like it.
Or I could create one from scratch, but that would involve...not sure what that would involve.
I did email the programmer guy (of my software)- I'm sure they can fix it.
Is there a program that opens PANs in a non-binary or otherwise intelligible (to me) fashion?

It could be PVsyst has the typo too. Maybe I'll try the free month. Message me if you want to check on it yourself- not sure if "naming names" is cool here.
The free month should be fully functional so you should be able to check that. If the parameter is out of the file, PVsyst should have similar problems. I am not familiar with other software that would enable reading/editing the PAN file. Have you asked the module manufacturer to provide another PAN file?
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