Panel mod - Violation or no violation

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Can't do that.

That'd be a violation, unlike what's pictured.

I would however a lock or a screw in the cover to keep the kids out of it regardless of what the code allows.

Why? can still remove the entire front to gain access, I was only talking about welding the hinged door shut.
Take the cover off, move the plywood from the back of the wiring to the front of the wiring and put the cover back on.

I've seen the "put a screw in the cover" solution before, and it never seems to work well. It's usually just a wood screw that doesn't really secure to the thin sheet metal, or if it does, its quickly stripped out.

The only hinged boxes I have seen either require a screwdriver to open, or they have a lock, or they are located in a secure location like an electrical closet. Never seen any out in public spaces.

I would really be OK with it if they just kept it locked.
I've seen the "put a screw in the cover" solution before, and it never seems to work well. It's usually just a wood screw that doesn't really secure to the thin sheet metal, or if it does, its quickly stripped out.

The only hinged boxes I have seen either require a screwdriver to open, or they have a lock, or they are located in a secure location like an electrical closet. Never seen any out in public spaces.

I would really be OK with it if they just kept it locked.

I agree.

Let's quit talking about it and make it happen.

Simple fix,,,,when we going? :)

It is not clear to me from the photo, and not explicitly confirmed by the OP, whether the plywood has been placed inside the back wall of an enclosure or is the back wall of a backless metal enclosure. I would not accept the latter as a code compliant enclosure for Chapter 3 wiring.
There is enough of a overhang on the doorstop to drill, tap, & countersink a couple flat head machine screws to seal the door, a flat head fastener looks more professional then slapping a couple of TEK screws in. Not having a metal countersink? A finishing washer & FH screw would work too.
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