Panel mounting height

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Senior Member
The way I read it is that there in specific minimum or maximum mounting height 6' 6" is talked about but I always thought it was more for disconnect. Is there a specific maximum or minimum height. I guess it's because panels come in so many different shapes and sizes it would be hard to comply?

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Minimum- In general no.

Maximum- In general yes. 240.24.

240.24 talks about ocpds it also states an exception to supplemental ocpd. Would a main lug panel being fed from a MDP be considered a supplemental? Or still fall with in 6'7" rules

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240.24 talks about ocpds it also states an exception to supplemental ocpd.

240.10 Supplementary Overcurrent Protection. Where
supplementary overcurrent protection is used for luminaires,
appliances, and other equipment or for internal circuits
and components of equipment, it shall not be used as
a substitute for required branch-circuit overcurrent devices or
in place of the required branch-circuit protection
. Supplementary
overcurrent devices shall not be required to be readily

Would a main lug panel being fed from a MDP be considered a supplemental?


Or still fall with in 6'7" rules

240.24 talks about ocpds it also states an exception to supplemental ocpd. Would a main lug panel being fed from a MDP be considered a supplemental? Or still fall with in 6'7" rules

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The top of the cabinet/panel can be more then 6'7".

The center of the handle of the highest overcurrent device installed in the panel can not be more then 6'7" above the working space floor, platform, etc.
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