Here are some useful

definitions from the NFPA glossary of terms.
Combustible Capable of reacting with oxygen and burning if ignited. [listed more then once]
Combustible A combustible material is any material that, in the form in
which it is used and under the conditions anticipated, will
ignite and burn or will add appreciable heat to an ambient
Combustible Capable of undergoing combustion. [This one is listed > ten times]
Combustible Capable of burning, generally in air under normal conditions
of ambient temperature and pressure, unless otherwise
specified. Combustion can occur in cases where an oxidizer
other than oxygen in air is present (e.g., chlorine, fluorine, or
chemicals containing oxygen in their structure).
Combustible A substance that will burn.
Combustible Capable of burning, generally in air under normal conditions
of ambient temperature and pressure, unless otherwise
specified; combustion can occur in cases where an oxidizer
other than the oxygen in air is present (e.g., chlorine,
fluorine, or chemicals containing oxygen in their structure).
Combustible A material or structure that will release heat energy on
Combustible (Material) A material that, in the form in which it is used and under the
conditions anticipated, will ignite and burn; a material that
does not meet the definition of noncombustible or limited combustible. [listed six times - actually maybe the most useful of the bunch]
Combustion A chemical process of oxidation that occurs at a rate fast
enough to produce heat and usually light in the form of
either a glow or flame. [they seem to have gotten this one right at least]