Panelboard Usage

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Does your supply house stock #8 in white ?
Yes violation but bet most here have done it.
Never understood why it is fine on #4 but not smaller. Any good reason for this ?
Real question here is why installer did not simply run 2 ungrounded #10 and a white.

I've done the same thing too.:)...I was just citing code.
I too don't understand why it's not OK to mark any grounded conductor with tape, not just 4 and larger.

Why is it OK for conductors in cables and not for individual conductors in pipe?
Don't know, but it has caused a few problems for me too.

I've done the same thing too.:)...I was just citing code.
I too don't understand why it's not OK to mark any grounded conductor with tape, not just 4 and larger.

Why is it OK for conductors in cables and not for individual conductors in pipe?
Don't know, but it has caused a few problems for me too.


I think its all about so called FREE workers that make the code and who really pays them. Normal for this country. Bull ---- the people into thinking its nothing more than a scam.
Look AT the price. Dont get stupid and think it will ever change. It's a scam we will never end. Look at who pays really pays them. Good luck in ever seeing it change $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
I wanted to first of all thank everyone for their comments. I do concur with Paul, Gleen and many others who took the time to respond to this post. I also realize that we cannot worry about what might happen down the road. On another note, I guess after twenty-two plus years of this, I'm beginning to tire of all the amateur work I see and it's not just electrical (BTW, I'm not a newbie but I'm also not a know-it-all which is why I posted this thread. I probably should have been a little bit more specific about some of things not readily apparent from the photos like all branch circuits in emt, service grounded to the incoming water service at the water meter, and no outside ground rod, etc.... As for the code, I often try to go back if I have a dated copy close to when the home/building was built. So, in answer to one of the replies, I was referring to an earlier NEC book, something I should have mentioned. Unfortunately, one of the things many HI"s don't understand, is that while they assert they're not doing code compliance inspections (most do not know much less understand what a load calc is), this is only true in the sense that they're not strict code compliance. In essence, we have to go by something and that something always relates back to the NEC no matter how you slice it. Also, as member of IAEI for many years, I have learned a lot thanks to those like yourself. However, I don't like to consider myself a HI (hate the word) as the profession has gone done the toilet. Too many out there in the front door and out the back. Hence, while I occasionally inspect residential property, I prefer doing commercial building inspections since most HI's wouldn't know where to begin. BTW, love the the last photo but only too familiar. While I haven't seen it all, I have probably seen too much!
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