Parallel Bends

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thats not nice what if the person that worked for you takes pride in his work and you crushed his pride in a matter of seconds. i wouldnt be too happy with that if that was me

nor would i, but that's the way marc chooses to interact with people.
it obviously works to his satisfaction, or he would do it differently.
the people he interacts with are ok with it, or they would go somewhere
else to play.

what i'm gonna say next is not about marc in any way, but just a general

since i've been reading posts here, it's interesting to watch the different
personality types interact. the one thing life has taught me is that
somebody behaving in a particular way, either gracious or insulting, has
very little to do with me, and much to do with the person acting out their
own beliefs, and fears. and most people's beliefs ARE their fears, simply put.

it's pretty easy to figure out what's really going on with someone by
how they defend themselves, and most people defend themselves by
attacking someone or something, and projecting their fear outward in
a defense. a defense shows what the weakness is, for if it wasn't weak,
what would you need a defense FOR?

and quietly speaking the truth will usually resolve the problem.

case in point... i was doing project management on a large job about
10 years ago, backing up a GF who was buried in a fast track.

the GC project manager was a less than capable guy who made up for
his inadequacies by screaming at the scheduling meetings. no planning
ability, no workable schedule, no management ability, just screaming at
the various subs... a not very bright, do it hard and stupid sort of guy.
there were probably 30 people in the room, male and female, and the
conduct was deplorable.

after two meetings of this, i had enough of his chrome plated silly noise,
and when he stopped shouting long enough to suck some more air, i
very quietly said "behaving like this will not make your penis larger".

sorta cut right to the chase. the room fell apart in laughter, and when
it finally quieted down, he'd start talking again, and someone would
snicker in the back, and the laughter would start all over again.

he finally ended the meeting, and i never heard him speak like that
again..... of course, it may have been because my GF was told to
never bring me to the meeting again....:)

seems to me mr. mdshunk believes its " quantity before quality " not a good practice

Do you know what kind of work Mr.Mdshunk does? Do you know his background? His experience?
If not stop the nonsence posting...

I've been fortunate in having a very wide variety of electrical experience with a few different companys in a lot of different environments. The thing that has to be remembered is that there is a time and place for everything.

One thing I've always tried to instill in guys working with me regardless of their experience is that you have to take a moment and decide the approach and mentality, the hat if you will, that you must attack a job with.

Running a few runs of pipe along a wall in a mech room of a house is not going to warrent bringing out the calculator to figure out the pefect matching offsets. Some of you will reel in pain at hearing that, but it's the truth, it doesn't matter, take that time you save and tuck it away for the next task.
Running large pipe racks in an exposed area in a huge industrial complex, those calculations will make or break a pipe run, not only in the eye of the beholder but how well it all fits together mechanically too.

Taking a torpedo level to a piece of pipe that's going to be in the wall is usually not acceptable time usage. Using a tape measure to measure as many times as it takes to make sure your pipe is running straight and square on a exposed ceiling is an extremely acceptable usage of time.

Quantity before Visibal Quality DOES NOT EQUAL Quantity before Quality.

All bosses expect quality work out of their men, or atleast should. As an employee it is up to you to make sure you can correctly judge when to and when not to make it look super pretty instead of getting the job done quicker.
All bosses expect quality work out of their men, or atleast should. As an employee it is up to you to make sure you can correctly judge when to and when not to make it look super pretty instead of getting the job done quicker.

my first GF put it this way.... "son, we don't get paid for pretty,
we get paid for done".

he also looked a lighting control panel i had made up as a first year
muppet, and mentioned to the foreman that it probably took longer
than it should, but it looked good, and i'll probably learn to do it faster
next time, and if i didn't, put me higher up on the layoff list....
he treated me well, however... he gave me time to learn to do it right,
and i am grateful for that... he also made sure i got paired with some
good journeymen, so i had something good to copy.

there were a lot of people who treated me really well when i was learning.
i owe them a lot. there were also a few people who treated me very badly.

i don't owe them as much.:wink:
i ran 3x90 ft of 3", 270 ft, in like 3.5 hours. thought it was going to be exposed so spent too much time making it laser straight. hadda helper tho, and used him alot on the ground. so 700 ft a day is doable. however mine was in a straight line, no bends to make, and the unistrut was already hung as well the day before.

i don't think the original post was about concentric bends but NICE link in second or third post. they are not usually worth the time involved unless somebody is a pro at it. NOT for the guy trying to finger it out, like i would be.

as for the pic in the first post, pipes with two offsets in them i say screw it. if you notice, and you all did, that the pipe ends are all off if you make them all even. that means you waste even more time cutting the ends of the pipes or your couplings don't line up anymore.

the only time i have seen concentric bends that had to be made was when i worked for a conveyor company (Rapistan) and a cracked-out looking character with a beard and no teeth i worked with had it all done before i knew it. i looked up under this conveyor corner and saw the most beautiful bend job i ever saw. did you do that? you gotta be kidding me!

btw, i was working for a union contractor on a hospital when i ran that 270 ft before lunch and got fired for "not knowing what (i) was doing." ask me what i think about the IBEW. (two days earlier i complained about the 3 inches of water on the floor during a union meeting. 2 days later: pink slip. now, THAT'S representation! FTU!).
the only time i have seen concentric bends that had to be made was when i worked for a conveyor company (Rapistan) and a cracked-out looking character with a beard and no teeth i worked with had it all done before i knew it. i looked up under this conveyor corner and saw the most beautiful bend job i ever saw. did you do that? you gotta be kidding me!

i've worked with guys like that.... a guy from sparks, nevada, who had
"smoke creek express" lettered on the tailgate of his truck, looked like
he slept in his carharts, and rolled and sparked one up before work every
morning. his eyes were way back in his head, if ya know what i mean.

he sticks in my mind as probably the best mechanic i've seen in 30 years
working. we were working on a cogen plant, on the same crew, and he
was running bus bar, with a whitney punch and plate brake, stacked bus
bar, and he was punching it before he bent it, and all the bolts lined up.
no rat tailed files or reamers. it still sticks in my mind, 25 years later.

of course, if he ran out of smoke, he just wandered in a circle all day,
unable to do anything....
Here's some 4" RMC parallel offsets that I did some years ago. Finished length of each pipe is about 9 feet. All pipes were cut to length and threaded before bending. :smile:

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Did you post to show us the violation or the nice bends.
Is there a hanger within 3' of each end?
At 9' of pipe shouldn't there be 2 hangers per 344.30(A)?

Sorry I couldn't resist :)
Did you post to show us the violation or the nice bends.
Is there a hanger within 3' of each end?
At 9' of pipe shouldn't there be 2 hangers per 344.30(A)?

Sorry I couldn't resist :)

Yup, I figured that would come up. ;)

The additional hangers were added after. It would have been too difficult to install all 10 conduits with 2 racks in the way. That's why there are no straps on the conduits either.
Still, very nice.

Thanks, it took some time with the Greenlee book to figure out the shrinkage of the conduit with the two bends. Once that was established the pipe was cut, threaded and then bent. 4" galvanized is a lot of fun. ;)
Only the supports within 3' of the conduit termination require straps...

That is to say, securely fastened at the run termination at or within 3', conditions practicable; otherwise up to 5' permitted.

I realize you know this, Don.... just stating "for the record" :wink:
If you waste your time doing work like that on my job, you and me are gonna have a talk. Something along the lines of, "that looks nice, now knock it off and get to work".

What mdshunk may not understand is, if you know how bend the conduit correctly it can be installed quickly and neatly at the same time. Before learning the proper techniques I wasted a lot of time and my bending looked like crap. An experienced JW showed me more in 15 minutes than I'd learnd in the previous 4 years that helped me out immensely.
That is to say, securely fastened at the run termination at or within 3', conditions practicable; otherwise up to 5' permitted.

I realize you know this, Don.... just stating "for the record" :wink:
My point was that only the ones within 3' of the conduit termination need to be securely fastened...the others are just supports and do not require straps or any other type of fastening. Of course you can't really support a verticle run without fantening, but you can a hortizontal one.
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