parking light repair

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Hi everyone,

I have an opportunity to provide an estimate for some parking lot light repair.
Typical bulb and ballast change on about 3 lights approx 25' high.

I have access to a bucket truck. $200 for 4 hrs as an example. Do I charge per fixture to change the bulb and ballast or is is time and material?

Either way, could someone assist with a figure of how much?

Thank you.

Minimum 30 minutes per lamp, one hour per lamp/ballast.

Minimum material mark up 100%, more on lamps. Remember, you have to warranty the materials.

You can easily kill an hour finding and accessing the photocells/timers/contactors and getting cars moved out of the way.

I'd quote it Lamps installed @$XX each. Lamp/ballast installed @ $xxx each. Troubleshoot electrical (if it's not a lamp/ballast problem @ $xx per hour)
I would quote it as a lump sum. Replace 3 lamps and 3 ballast $xxx.00

The reason being if you figure up the total cost for the 3 and then divide it out to a per each, that gives the customer the oppertunity to say "lets just replace the one thats the most important" This wouldn't work for you beacuse you averaged you lift cost over three fixtures.

The other option is to say it cost $xxx.oo to mobilize (which would include you total lift rental) plus $xx.00 per lamp and ballst.

Good Luck!
How do you know its a ballast until you open up the fixture ?

At 25', I'd replace everything anyway. Lamp, ballast, iginitor, capacitor, the whole nine yards. It's almost the same price as replacing just part of it. And, if you replace one part, let's say something else goes bad two weeks later? Now you gotta go back up and replace another part.

Better to replace it all than have warranty issues.
I would quote it as a lump sum. Replace 3 lamps and 3 ballast $xxx.00

The reason being if you figure up the total cost for the 3 and then divide it out to a per each, that gives the customer the oppertunity to say "lets just replace the one thats the most important" This wouldn't work for you beacuse you averaged you lift cost over three fixtures.

The other option is to say it cost $xxx.oo to mobilize (which would include you total lift rental) plus $xx.00 per lamp and ballst.

Good Luck!
I agree. I would too quote it as one lump sum. $xxxxxx:D.00
Our bucket truck goes out at a set hourly rate, four hour minimum. We usually advise the customer to change all the lamps since they're paying for the truck for half a day anyway, and replace ballasts as needed. We mark up the lamps & ballasts 50%.
If we're doing signs we send a helper along as a ground man, and charge the apprentice rate for him. If we're just doing light poles we very often send the bucket truck operator out alone.
Thank you everyone for the input. Sparky, I also anticipate to change the bulb and ballest while there. It doesn't pay to do just one.

I put the bid in and now, I wait to see. Thank you all again for the suggestions.

May be cheaper to rent an articulating lift than a bucket truck and you could get in over a pesky car in the way.. Just no dropsys please over the new Mercedes.
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