Pass-through allowed through Pre-Insulated Connectors ?

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Does NEC prohibit passing wire through pre-insulated connectors like POLARIS's double-entry Pre-Insulated connector?
I'm wondering if I can tap a conductor and not have to use a 3-port connector. I would just use a 2-port connector, remove insulation from middle of wire, pass it through one port then in the other port I would have my tapping wire. Obviously there would be no break in the pass-through wire.
Has anyone done it and passed inspection ? Any reason it's a bad idea ? I couldn't find any code that addresses this.
Manufacturer doesn't either explicitly prohibit or allow this.

Oh that's just what I had handy in my painting program for easy visualization :). Real wires are both black of course.
The NEC only says to install per mfg instructions 110.3B
And does the Polaris allow a conductor to pass thru as shown?
Since the manufacturer is silent on the issue then it would be permitted. As Tom stated except for 110.3(B) the NEC is silent on this also.
1 does the connector shown have a port on both sides, or just the one as visible?
2 how much wire you intend to pull "through"? Seems to be a lot of work for very little value.
3 how do you intend to make a positive connection to the red line ensuring both full contact of the conductor and fully have insulation inside of connectors insulation?
What are you trying to accomplish, is this a feeder tap? What size conductor?
Seems a better solution, if there is a specific reason to not cut the "red" wire, would be a self piercing tap like this, that is specificallydedigne to accomplish what your are suggestion you want to do:.
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