passed Texas j-man test

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Fort Worth, Tx
I just passed my j-man test here in Texas. I wanted to thank every body on the forum for thier help. I never posted any questions but I learned alot from other peoples questions and the posts related to those questions. thanks for the help.
Taking my journeyman exam this february

Taking my journeyman exam this february

I have been studying the NEC BOOK but can anyone help me what to focus on and what I need when taking my journeyman exam


i'm takin the journeyman exam thin coming month. I'v been studying the NEC BOOK but its hard to remeber all ( formulas) specially if I dont practice it if you would be kind enough to help me what to focus on I would relly appreciate it
mike Holt's exam prep books are a good idea

mike Holt's exam prep books are a good idea

I used Mike Holt's and Craftsman has a book with a CD Rom that's pretty good. The NEC Handbook helps but I couldn't afford a new one - so I used the older one for deeper understanding but checked the NEC 2008 against it.

I just need the calcs section of the master's test now, so not sure about the JW test.
JATC has great books -if you have access to that apprenticeship program material.

For the test, be sure to have Tom Henry's Key Word Index if it's an open book exam. I brought my Ugly's too - the Ohm's law chart on the cover saved a lot of time.
I couldn't bring in a calculator of any kind, no blank paper or eraser, no cell phone too.
Any copyrighted, published, and bound book, with no notes in it, just highlighting.
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