Did a full listing come with the cap? :wink:
Nope, so I guess that only makes it UL Recognized.
Did a full listing come with the cap? :wink:
You are either ahead of your time Bob or maybe some one out of an Orwellian nightmare!!People need to be UL listed
Don't give UL any ideas, I can see it now, they will lobby the NEC that all users of the NEC must be UL listed as 'Qualified'. We would all receive UL tattoos.
You are either ahead of your time Bob or maybe some one out of an Orwellian nightmare!!If a manufacturer can figure out a way to make money out of our compliance with tattooing, we'll all be getting tats next cycle.
If normal business practices apply, you'd probably be right. But, the folks who do tattooing seem, as a general rule, to be pretty independant types who wouldn't be caught dead trying to petition the NEC rule makers for such a rule.:grin: