pet peeves

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Ya'll missed it!!

Ya'll missed it!!

I can't believe after reading all of those posts on pet peeves, no one mentioned the #1 worst thing of all... A THEIF!! That is my biggest pet peeve. I did'nt buy these tools for you, I bought them for me!

By the way, I must admit some of my downfalls..

1. I use dikes on my ty-wraps
2. I have had a Master "rent" his license for me. (legal in Tx).
3. Have used pvc glue without using the cleaner.
4. I welcome the HO's help. (most of the time).

These are a few, but I definately agree with 98-99% of ya'lls pet peeves listed. Some that rank on the top of my list are:

1. Thief (previously noted)
2. Terminated panel all messy and unorginized.
3. Not stapling (or straping) wire assembly to studs (wood and/or metal)
4. Wire too short. (Better to be long then wrong)
5. Not being able to buy at ANY supply house due to the fact I live over an hour away from the closest one and by the time I get off of my reg. job, it is too late to get there and the only other option IS one of the big box stores.
6. Having the HO telling you not to do something because they dont wanna spend the $$ on it when you know all too well it could be a problem for them later. After you try to explain and they STILL say NO to doing it the right way. AAAUUUGGGHHH!!!
7. People who mess with the 3 most important job related things to me:
7a. My tools
7b. My Paycheck
7c. My Lunch
8. When you tell a superior about an idea that you know is better and then ya'll spend tons of time and effort doing it HIS way and it does'nt work, only for him to eventually try it your way and him not admitting his way sucked (can I say that on here?).

That's my top 8, but like everyone else, there is many other's I can't even think of or have already been mentioned.
Can "ya'll" be singular? Or is it always plural?

I'm guessing "ya'lls" is plural possesive?

Just curious - not making fun. I grew up on the other side of the International Dateline, south of the equator. The only yawl I know about has the mast steped aft of the rudderpost.

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