Where do i start .
Im not trying to diss you guys but i hate getting shit .on the job site from you guys you give us no credit and it piss's me off.
Well, that's certainly not the place to start.
Smart, there are some electricians who are well versed in LV, and some who aren't. I'm sure there are some LV guys who know power wiring and some who don't. A guy has to know when he's qualified for certain work, and when he isn't. You can't lump all electricians OR all LV guys together.
I have done plenty of audio/video, computer networking, POTS, cable/satelllite, alarm, etc. work. In a 7800 sq.ft.+ house I wired a couple of years ago, I did ALL of the wiring: power, phone, satellite, H/T and whole-house audio, networking; everything but the T-stat wires (but I know how.)
I tested every run and termination, and everything worked the first time. I have never used the 'structured cable' because it wasn't right for the job. In every room, the best location for, say, the satellite receiver was not the best location for the network access port or the phone jack.
None of all this matters, though. What does matter, and what you'll learn if you stay here, is: depsite how we may disagree on certain points in our discussions (and believe me, we have had some disagreements!), we remain civil, and treat each other with respect.
And, I hope you do hang out here a while. It'll be nice to have a greater amount of LV discussions. I'm a home-theater guy myself. (I have a CRT projector; if that doesn't prove it, what does? :wink

Just chill a little; none of it is worth getting upset over, unless it's costing you money.
Welcome to the zoo. :smile: